With advancement of cyberspace and increase in enterprises that embrace emerging technologies, cyber security threats are also growing alongside and throttling web enterprises. Most enterprises are vulnerable to the security threats today despite some preliminary we security precautions an enterprise practice. Hence, gaining insights on top most cyber security threats and taking necessary actions to protect from web security threats is of utmost importance. The blog gives you the facts on major cyber security threats that are disturbing enterprise web security today and how an enterprise can increase security to protect from security vulnerabilities.
Today’s Top 8 Major Web Cyber Security Threats for Enterprises
I. Injection Imperfection
The attacker alters the SQL statements in the code by injecting a dangerous code. If any user data is sent to an interpreter as part of this SQL command and when such query is executed on the web application, the cyber security attack occurs. The attacker gets access to user data and can exploit the data leading to cyber security. The attacker in some cases also gets access to database that leads an attacker to update or delete the database to exploit the data in database.
II. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
The malicious attacker sends out regular web traffic from various intended sources in order to flood the internet traffic with unintended attacks. With this attack, the web application s made unavailable for the intended users by distributed unintended requests to the system. This attack may also botnets and IoT devices to intrude malware with spamming attacks and denial of web service from intended users of the application.
III. Broken Authentication
With weak web application authentication, attackers can easily bypass and break web authentication. This method easily lets malicious attackers to get access to user authentication details. With exposure of session IDs in the URL, fixation attacks vulnerability is bound to happen. Hence, proper authentication mechanism on the web applications and session management practices must be adopted by the enterprises.
IV. Cross Site Scripting
This cyber security threat attacks the client side such as web browser and targets directly on users. This security threat attacks by inducing malicious scripting on the client-side application. When users load the web browser, the malicious script executes and access the user’s data by using phishing techniques.
V. Man-In-The-Middle-Attack (MITM)
The attacker plays a middle man role and possibly deceives the user by altering the information between the data transportation. In this case, the user is directed to browse an insecure website. The attacker monitors the insecure website and steals user personal information or any data that is shared on the insecure website.
VI. Internal Security Breach
Not all the times a security threat occur from unintended external sources. The threat might also occur from internal security breach. Internal resources of an enterprise are trapped by using phishing attacks, social engineering attacks with human intervention. In these cases, internal enterprise users give away sensitive user or enterprise information to the attacker accidentally or deliberately. Hence, managing a strict cyber security policy at enterprise and educating internal enterprise resources of the same is vital to safeguard from web cyber security threats.
VII. XML External Entity (XXE)
This attack is like SQL injection where the XML input on the web application is parsed by malicious attacks. Any weakly configured XML parser is prey of XXE attacks.
VIII. Security Misconfiguration
Often, enterprise systems that are misconfigured for protection from threats are the prey of this attack. Using default settings on the system leads to less protection from security vulnerabilities. Ensure that any system that is used in the enterprise are properly configured and uses configuration that offers security against cyber vulnerabilities to avoid any security breach.
Safe Manage Your Enterprise and Customer from Security Vulnerabilities
With digital presence been the significant way to grow business and reach out to customers, use of web application is inevitable to achieve market presence. On the other hand, malicious attacks on web side interface are rapidly increasing. Hence, there is creeping demand for enterprises to tighten the web security to avoid any security vulnerabilities. Along with best services for customers, offering secure, cyber threat attack free services is in demand. Join with CodeIT Solution to discover proven methods and security hacks to protect your customer and enterprises from web security vulnerabilities.