AI Tech Summit 2023
October 26, 2023

🤖 The AI Tech Summit, held at the state-of-the-art convention center, became the epicenter of cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking discussions.


The summit played host to a diverse array of speakers, workshops, and demonstrations, all geared towards unraveling the limitless potential of AI in our rapidly evolving world, drew professionals from various sectors, ranging from seasoned AI experts to burgeoning startups, all seeking to immerse themselves in the latest trends and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence.


This dynamic gathering provided a fertile ground for networking, knowledge sharing, and forging partnerships that promise to drive the future of AI innovation.


In this blog post, we'll delve into the captivating insights and experiences by our employees who attended the summit, so read their testimonials below 👇🏻

Viktorija Drangovska

I had the privilege of being part of the AI Tech Summit in Skopje 2023.


It was an incredible experience, diving deep into the latest AI innovations, trends, and breakthroughs. The summit gathered brilliant minds and visionaries from across the AI landscape, and it's inspiring to witness how AI is transforming industries and reshaping our future.


We delved into discussions about AI ethics, the potential for AI in government, ecommerce, and what we can expect from the future to be like with AI along the way. It's clear that AI is not just a technology; it's a tool for positive change. We need to embrace AI as a copilot and to find a way to improve our work using AI.


The knowledge sharing was unparalleled, and I'm excited to bring back fresh insights and strategies that will shape our AI projects in the coming year. Especially the Frozen models are looking most promising for our next project try-out. There are 5 reasons to go with AI:


  • Speed to adoption
  • Ubiquitous knowledge
  • Horizontal technology
  • Radical Productivity (70-90%)
  • Cross-disciplinary innovation
Sandra Stojanovska

It was a tremendous honor to be a participant in the AI Summit and to have the opportunity to broaden my horizons. 


The AI Summit stood as a global event, graced by the presence of numerous experts in the field of artificial intelligence. It was a gathering that left a profound sense of inspiration. 


The summit explored a wide array of intellectually stimulating subjects, underscoring the profound connection between the future and artificial intelligence.

Sasho Risteski

The AI Tech Summit in Skopje was a great experience, featuring a lineup of highly experienced speakers who shared their profound insights into artificial intelligence. 


The event had a delightful surprise with a robot presenter, adding to the vibrant and friendly atmosphere, making networking with fellow attendees a pleasure. 


The highlight of the summit for me was Saiman Shetty's presentation on the advent of technology powering self-driving vehicles, particularly the segment where he showcased examples of shape recognition - truly fascinating and thought-provoking.

Tamara Dimitrievska

Attending the AI Summit event was a truly enlightening experience! The gathering of exceptional speakers from all corners of the globe made it an unforgettable opportunity to delve into the frontiers of AI technology. 


The diversity of insights and expertise shared at the summit was not only inspiring but also immensely educational. It's rare to witness such a collection of brilliant minds under one roof, and I left the event with a profound sense of optimism for the future of AI. 


Kudos to the organizers for creating an event that's not just informative but also a global meeting of innovation and creativity.


Looking forward to the next AI Summit!

Branko Bjadov

This AI Tech Summit was a very pleasant experience and I'm glad I had the opportunity to attend it. All the presenters had something interesting to share and there were always questions from the audience that they were happy to answer.


There were also panels where some of the speakers gathered to have a discussion on AI-related topics, and it was insightful to hear their takes on some popular concerns about AI.


Overall, I left the summit feeling more knowledgeable about AI and with a sense of reassurance that at least some of the leading people working in AI have ethics and equality in mind.

Stefan Kirkovski

The AI Summit was a refreshing experience to feel the industry's touch with the latest craze. 


From IT to digital marketing, to robotics, it was nice to see how everyone is trying to integrate Generative AI into their fields, and especially to see what was already implemented by them. 

Some of the speakers left me in awe with their accomplishments in a thing that is relatively new, even more so the ones who are tapping in what seems to be the beginnings of a true AI, like Igor Shevo. 


The speakers panels were for me the best part, deep-diving into the thoughts and reasoning of AI-related things from the people most dedicated to AI technology.
