Internships through Codeit Solution
October 01, 2019

What can be better than having young hard working people around you? 🙂


Almost every year we organized an internship program for the students, and we also decided to have an remote internship programs, so we can continue with our tradition for successfully implementing a program.


As we continue to grow, we’re proud to offer opportunities for the new interns to gain hands-on experience with a developing IT company. Internships provide crucial insights and we’re thrilled to welcome the interns to our team.


We’re confident that our #interns will help us with the positive changes in our company and learn valuable skills along the way. 🤩


During the months the interns had the chance to work on real projects and learn new technologies.
At the end of each month, each intern received an evaluation from their mentor and we had an evaluation meeting where we discussed their career path.


We asked them a few questions, so read about their experience ðŸ‘‡




Q: Was the internship what you expected?

A: In total I’m satisfied from internship program. I’ve learned a lot of new staff. I had a chance to implement my pervious learned knowledge regarding HTML and CSS, but also to learn new technology such as Magnolia CMS. This is very interesting and easy to learn technology.


Q: What was the best part of your internship and why?

A: The internship was well into my expectations. I've learnt how an IT company operates, how projects are managed, how to plan and organize my time and my future projects. I've had the opportunity to work in a team, to learn a technology with which I wasn't familiar. I've worked on the development of 3 separate projects and helped collegues with their problems. The best part of the internship was learning the process of development of web sites, as well as some tips and tricks I've gained from my mentors. This was, overall, a new and exciting challenge.


Q: Why did you decide to apply for summer internship and would you recommend it to others?

A: I found that this company is innovative and values continuous learning, and my goal was to work in forward-thinking company, company that innovate often and constantly grow. At first I was given an agenda for action plan for each month in the internship and it was a good thing because I new what activity will be during the month. I would absolutely recommend this internship program because what made me a good impression on me, the most, was that all of the action was realized as it was planned.


Q: What do you expected from this internship?

A: Hands-on experience is my number one goal here. I want to expand my knowledge and practice. Learn how the team works togethere. I am also hoping to connect with a mentor who can help guide me into making the right decision for my career. In terms of technologies I want to learn more practice into React.js, Next.js and Styled components. I'm hoping to find my future full-time job where I can continue to grow and expand my knowledge. 




Q: Was the internship what you expected?

A: In the past 3 months, I had a really fruitful internship. I feel so lucky that I had the chance to work with such experienced engineers. Starting from the first day of my internship, I had a nice introduction and well organized on boarding process. I started to learn Magnolia CMS and i started to like it a lot. While everyone was really busy, they never ignored my questions and helped me to finish the tasks faster. I had the chance to work on real projects and that helped me to learn a lot, which doesn’t happen very often at internship programs so i guess i got lucky.  At the end of internship I was included in a project, where I had the opportunity to work as front-end developer and had the chance to spread my knowledge in that area. During my internship, I participated at the weekly meeting and got to know the agile methodology.
This internship actually exceeded my expectations because I learned a lot of new things and had the chance to work on real projects. I learned about how the cooperative world works, how to stick to deadlines and I managed to have a very close relationship with my mentors. This internship was great challenge, and I enjoyed the time spent with all of my colleagues and that made me a better person.


Q: What was the best part of your internship and why?

A: The internship was great, it was better than my expectation, I am very satisfied with the program, communication, team spirit and great mentors. As an intern I learned a lot, I learned technology that was brnad new for me-Magnolia CMS, improved my coding skills, teamwork.The program was well planned and organized and I liked that.

About the internship program I liked the most that I have worked on a real project. It is a great experience for an intern like me to see how it is to work on real project tasks, to fix some issues, test the tasks and so on. Also, it was great to have a mentor who was always available for helping me with problems that I had. It was a great and exciting challenge. For the future interns I will recommend to apply for the internship program in CodeIT Solution, they will learn a lot in the program. They will learn new technologies and improve their skills in the technologies that they know. They will be learning in a great team with great mentors from who they will learn a lot.


Q: What are your impressions for our intership program and would you recommend it to others?

A: Learning in a company that is up to par with the world standards is incredible. The mentor was amazing, the process of learning new things was very easy to follow, learning on your own terms and with your own speed was also a refreshment. The entire team is ready and willing to help, the atmosphere is relaxing yet professional when needed. Overall, a really pleasant place to learn, work and thrive. Initially I expected only to have help from my mentor, but the entire team was acting as a mentor to me honestly. There was no impenetrable wall, so to speak, when it came to solving problems. If anyone was free, they’d help me with their knowledge so I can move on to the next problem, if they had problems as well, they would just ask someone else to help, so it almost never felt like I was wasting time instead of learning something.


Q: What do you expected, what was your goal from this internship?

A: This was my first internship experience. I learned new things, I met new people, I made new friends. I really cherish this experience and the lessons it taught me.

My goal was to learn and experience as much as possible, and I believe that I achieved that goal. The fact that I learned new things and was given the chance to work on real projects. Also, I met new people that I now consider friends. Don’t give up, guys. All of your hard work will pay off, so stick with what you’re doing no matter how hard and tough it gets.






Q: Why did you choose CodeIT Solution for a company where you will apply for an internship?
I choose this company as my first experience, so I can learn how to work in such a company where I can meet new people, learn how to work in a team, learn new things and to gain experience in the field I wanted to upgrade myself.


Q: What do you expect from this internship program?
My expectations are to have support to achieve the best of the tasks so I can improve my skills and have progress in my knowledge.


Q: What makes you unique?
I think creativity makes me unique. I always find a way to do something creative for anything in my life. Whether it was for a birthday or a celebration of some of my accomplishments, creativity is what makes me special in the eyes of others. So that's the reason why marketing is my weak point.




Q: Why did you choose CodeIT Solution for a company where you will apply for an internship?
I have heard about CodeIT Solution from my faculty colleagues who were interns at the company and later became employees. Their positive experiences, impressions and compliments for the program encourage me for sending my CV to the company and starting a new chapter in my career.


Q: What do you expect from this internship program?
My expectations from this internship program are to achieve more knowledge by learning new techniques and technical tools, to gain more experience, to improve my technical and communicational skills and to meet new people.


Q: What makes you unique?
In my opinion, the main characteristics that make me unique are that I am a hardworking, dedicated and well-organized person, strongly motivated and ready for new challenges in the field of programming.




Q: Why did you choose CodeIT Solution for a company where you will apply for an internship?
I have heard from other people, that were interns and now are employees in the company, that this company offers a great opportunity to learn new things, to gain experience, to work on real projects and to work with colleagues that are always here to help even if they are busy. And that was all what I was looking for.


Q: What do you expect from this internship program?
My expectation from this internship program is to achieve more knowledge, to improve my technical skills, to gain experience, to learn new technologies and of course to meet new people.


Q: What makes you unique?
I think one of the main qualities that makes me unique is that I am a hard-working and dedicated person who always tries to get things done on time.




Q: Why did you choose CodeIT Solution for a company where you will apply for an internship?
Well respected company that is up to date with world standards. Professionals who can help overcome all challenges and will stimulate my personal upgrading and development.


Q: What do you expect from this internship program?
I expect that during my internship I will master skills with which I will upgrade my knowledge and it will help me progress on a daily basis.


Q: What makes you unique?
I personally think that the qualities I possess are: team spirit, self-initiative for learning new skills and self-development, adoptable and flexible working style, able to work independently and problem-solving aptitude.


The #expert in anything was once a #beginner!!!