| By Codeit | October 09, 2019
All You Need to Know About Knowledge Sharing at Workplace for Business Success

All You Need to Know About Knowledge Sharing at Workplace for Business Success


Knowledge is wealth, an immense source of success to the business. Every resource at your organization contributes to the business development and one that comes from knowledge. Often, with the kiosk of meeting deliverable timelines and client expectations, an organization might pay little to no heed to tap to this knowledge pool. Have you thought at your workplace how you going to gain this knowledge that your other co-worker has? As a Project Manager, do you think that the knowledge a critical resource holds might be lost when the employee leaves? Is there any action that you inculcate to gain and share this knowledge? Read further to discover the ways to encourage knowledge sharing at workplace that is critical for business success.


Four Innovative Ways to Inculcate Knowledge Sharing at Workplace


1. Design a conducive work atmosphere

The surroundings play vital role when at work. Bring in the vibes of knowledge sharing by designing one such open box workspace. Gone are the times with cubicles with closed desks and refreshments that are served at desk. Today, most companies are opting for workspace that encourages communication in open space and visibility at work. Some of the work atmosphere revamps that you can start off with are listed here.

- Discussion space: Adopt discussion rooms that are solely meant to discuss among the teams. Discuss on deliverables, how you achieve milestones, skills that each person brings in to table to achieve goals, and many more. Begin with a discussion to help every team member come out of the cocoon and voice their opinions and start to share knowledge.

- Casual seating: Encourage casual seating at workplace. This space assists teams to strike a conversation between works to share knowledge. This seating helps teams to bind together and get comfort around each other to help everyone learn and grow.


2. Creative platforms to share knowledge

Come up with innovative ideas to set the stage for knowledge sharing. Some of the platforms to inculcate at workplace are suggested here.

- Jamming sessions: Include quick jamming sessions on the topics that need knowledge share with the team.

- One-to-one collaboration: Set apart some time for individual collaboration space where a team member is comfortable to share knowledge with a supervisory over a team forum. Gather these data as knowledge share session recordings and share with the teams so everyone can benefit.

- Forums: Public speaking forums in office uplift resources who like to address the crowd can make the most of this forum. This forum serves one to many knowledge share avenues.

- Communication channels: Create channels to notify at workplace about upcoming knowledge share sessions and key notes. This method spreads awareness among employees to engage in knowledge sharing activities.

- Knowledge web space: Add a website dedicated for knowledge sharing. Include training, learnings session videos, and slide decks in this portal. This portal serves everyone in the organization to quickly refer for any knowledge materials that are required at work. New hire trainings can be easily covered by using this knowledge share portal. Forget not to have this portal up t date and with good search mechanism to find information quickly.


3. Incentives for knowledge sharing

Employees like to get recognized at workspace in a way that brings in credibility. Some of the artistic ways to encourage knowledge sharing by giving away credits are discussed here.

- Recognition notes: Send away recognition emails, thank you notes, credit points when any resource takes initiative to share knowledge at workplace.

- Lunch and learn: Set up lunch and learn sessions to encourage employees to learn and network during the learning activities.

- Perks: Give away mementos, certificates, bonus, or anything that the team likes to swag it with proud. These methods encourage teams to actively participate in knowledge sharing among peers.


4. Infuse knowledge sharing in employee performance

Another mechanism to embark knowledge sharing as a significant activity in an organization is by including knowledge share as an attribute that counts for performance appraisal. Some of the interesting ways to include knowledge sharing in appraisal are listed here.

- Mentor: Employee who demonstrates as a mentor by helping peers, new joiners at work by sharing knowledge gets additional befits during performance appraisal. This mode motivates experienced employees to volunteer to be a mentor and share knowledge.

- Job Shadowing: This mechanism enables easy transfer of knowledge without having to worry about knowledge hoarding or loss of knowledge when an employee exits.




Knowledge sharing at workspace is as important as delivering best services to clients. Knowledge is the backbone of the company success. Use these innovative methods to start knowledge share activity at your company to get rid of knowledge hoarding and to create conducive atmosphere to work and excel in business.